Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Actor/Director Relationships from and ACTORS standpoint

I have been very lucky, and humbled in my career to have performed all over the world with some of the most incredible directors, ........ and some not so incredible.....
This brings me to what this blog is all about.

Now this just my opinion of course so if you don't want to listen to some goofy actors thoughts I would recommend to stop reading now.

So of all the directors I have worked with in the some 65 professional productions I have done over the last 12 years. I can say that 90% of them have been wonderful.
Some a little more crabby, or more serious than others..... But wonderful just the same.
The reason I find these directors to be wonderful, is that all of these directors treat their actors with respect.
Actors are of course artists in their own right. So treating them with respect you will get the best product possible. Then of course on the flip side treat them with disrespect and you can look forward to an uphill battle for the duration of the production.

What do I mean by respect or disrespect??? Here are a few instances that will hopefully explain what I mean.

Correct Way:

1. An Actor, and Director may not totally agree on the direction of the actors character.....
A great Director will take on board the BEST way to speak to the actor about the troubles, and or confusion. Then discuss it with the actor, and a compromise will made where both actor and director are happy.

Wrong Way:

1. A director will talk down to the actor in front of others. Things like "I am the director do what I say........ " ETC

Many of you reading this might think DUH!?!? Of course this is a no brainer.....
But you would be surprised at how many Directors out there truly believe that belittling their actors in front of others is OK........ That just by being the director, they have the RIGHT to lose their tempers and be unapologetic. They also have the RIGHT to yell at those around them, and then DEMAND respect, and allegiance just because of their position.

It truly is a shame, because of the amount of talented directors that are out there with this issue could go far if they could control themselves, and their emotions.

Now make no mistake. There are famous directors out there who are known for acting this way..... Who have made INCREDIBLE careers despite their awful behavior. Though I have to say they are VERY FEW, and far between. To be honest I can think of only one off the top of my head. (very famous that is)

Now I know I am living in a bit of a fantasy world thinking that this blog will reach the types of folks I am talking about.....
I also understand that there are a ton of people out there that are power hungry, and feel that when they make it to the position of quote on quote "power"(as a director) that it is their right to treat people poorly.

But this is my Blog LOL LOL LOL So I can say what I want.
And that is....... I think that as director you should treat your actors with respect. That you should listen "within reason" to their thoughts, and contributions to whatever piece is being done. Respect their process...... Never talk down to them in front of others.... An if you lose your temper be man or women enough to admit your mistake. Then STRIVE to not make that mistake again.

Now this is a two way street..... Actors should be respectful in return. I have worked with many who aren't. I have personally in the past made mistakes myself, and let me temper get the better of me. In all of those instances I have admitted that I was wrong.
Getting caught in the heat of the moment etc etc these things happen on both sides. And really they are not what I am talking about.
We as artists work in a very emotionally charged environment. I understand this.

I am not talking about the occasional back and fourth etc etc
I am talking about when a director feels no remorse..... Where it becomes part of their process to be verbally abusive to their actors..... Where they feel that treating others with that level disrespect is their right because of their position. And believing that as actors we should just do as we are told.

I say...... strive to be better. Remember that as director, and as in many other situations in life..... RESPECT is EARNED not GIVEN........