Saturday, 5 December 2009

What a company!

At the moment I am working on a new production of Disneys Beauty and The Beast at the Ordway Theater in MN.
It is very rare in this business where you join a cast like this..... What I mean by that is, most of the time as an actor you forget why you started int his business in the first place.
The cast full of mostly local performers from the Twin cities, bring such a wonderful energy excitement to work.
It is a big change from working with a full cast of performers that often are jaded by the nasty hard nosed part of this business.
These performers at the Ordway are just thrilled to be here. LOVE the theater with such a youthful excitement that it becomes infectious. You can't help but be uplifted and excited with them.
How refreshing. Thank you to this cast for reminding me why I got into this business.
It is fun, silly. We have a chance to entertain folks and take them away from their day for a few hours. Make them laugh or even cry. How lucky I am to do what I do.
Though I know it may sound cheesy to some. For me it couldn't be more genuine.
I am thrilled to be here and love this cast.

I hope as performers we are all reminded from time to time why we got into this business
in the first place.

Check out for a major announcement coming!!!!

Saturday, 25 July 2009

Whats next?

Carousel closed on the West End June 21st. To say goodbye to that show and the people in it was very difficult.It was truly one of the best experiences of my career. I will miss the production and the people dearly.

Since then I have been traveling, visiting family which is why you haven't heard from me in awhile. I have been to Texas drove to SC and am about to head home to NYC.

SO what,s next!

Well at the moment I have been working on several different projects from new shows, to picking new tracks........

TRACKS???? What for you might ask???

Well I have signed a 2 album solo deal with an independent label in NYC. We start production on the first album in Aug!!!!

I have always had a passion for music. Now I have been given the chance to share my love of music with family, friends, and hopefully new fans!

I will keep you all up to date on the happenings!

I hope all that continue to fallow my career are well. See you soon at my next concert!

Best Wishes


Whats next?

Sunday, 31 May 2009

My voice.....

A singer's voice is a very fragile thing. When I first started singing lessons when I was 15, I had no idea the amount of commitment and control it took to be a professional singer! It was also explained to me how much my voice would change over the years.

 From the time you are 18 to the time you are 30, you will find that a singer's voice will have changed dramatically both in tone and depth. Man or woman, its the same. Case in point, listen to old recordings from Elvis Presley when he was 21 to when he was 35 on his 68' Comeback Special, and you will see what I am talking about. 
When I started my career, my voice was slightly higher. I was closer to a tenor than I was  a baritone. Now I am much closer to a Bari/tenor....... 

So how do I  do 8 shows a week you ask? Well, there is a lot that goes into it. First thing is NO caffeine.... Second NO booze.......... Third lots and lots of water...... Lastly REST/SLEEP........ These are the rules I follow when I have to sing this much. The reasons are that both booze and caffeine dry out your voice. Your voice gets plenty dry just singing. So you don't want to do anything that will help it. The rest and or sleep is because you body heals while you are asleep. So the more rest you get, the better rested your voice is. Then everyday, warm up properly.......

Now even with all these precautions you can still lose your voice. It can be affected by allergies, a cold, a throat infection etc. Sometimes just singing over a long period of time can dry you out and make you horse. Constant phlegm can also push your voice to brink. So as you can see there is a lot that goes into this..........

Last week in performance, I was just getting tired and my voice gave out at the end of the show! These things happen. The only thing you can do is water, steam, and rest. 

So now you see how glamorous singing really is!!! LOL 

Check back soon!!!!!!

Saturday, 9 May 2009


So this is my first blog! What to say???

Well first I want to make sure I thank all those who have visited my blog and my website! 

This is very exciting for me. To have a place to put out there my thoughts, and or feelings out there on  the world of the performing arts.... I hope that anyone who reads this bog finds its contents interesting, and of some use.
I also would like those of you who have an interest to send me questions to feel free. I love to answer questions from friends, and or fans.
I have a lot to say; >  So starting next week...... Have a look.....

But for now Thank you for stopping in and Welcome!!! 

Best Wishes 
Jeremiah James