Saturday, 9 May 2009


So this is my first blog! What to say???

Well first I want to make sure I thank all those who have visited my blog and my website! 

This is very exciting for me. To have a place to put out there my thoughts, and or feelings out there on  the world of the performing arts.... I hope that anyone who reads this bog finds its contents interesting, and of some use.
I also would like those of you who have an interest to send me questions to feel free. I love to answer questions from friends, and or fans.
I have a lot to say; >  So starting next week...... Have a look.....

But for now Thank you for stopping in and Welcome!!! 

Best Wishes 
Jeremiah James

1 comment:

  1. Finally you have somewhere where you can express yourself & be yourself!
    Looking forward to reading more about you & your future 'adventures'...
